
22 Years experience
HISTORY: Spaldings was founded in 2000 with its main objective to develop and distribute farming equipment and agricultural machinery. It had since established itself as a leading manufacturer of potato-handling equipment in South Africa.
ABOUT US Spaldings is situated in Reitz, a small town approximately 50km from Bethlehem in the Eastern Free State Province of South Africa. Spaldings has grown over the past 22 years into a full-scale production facility incorporating a machine shop, sheet metal component fabrication, hydraulic fitting, machine assembly and spray painting.
Our vision is one of creating sustainability in the African potato industry, by manufacturing a robust brand of equipment developed in Africa for African conditions following international standards.
Ons doelwitte
Een van Spaldings se hoofdoelwitte is om voortdurend te innoveer en te ontwerp, nie net meer koste-effektiewe masjinerie nie, maar ook meer doeltreffende boerderymetodes.
Alle toerusting is ontwerp met eenvoud, duursaamheid, gebruiksgemak en bekostigbaarheid in gedagte.
‘n Boer kan die beste masjien op die planeet kan hê, maar as hy/sy nie doeltreffende boerderymetodes gebruik wat dit komplimenteer nie, dan is die hele konsep van doeltreffende en kostedoeltreffende boerdery verlore.

"Vat ons hand en bewerk jou land"